Marketing and sales

20th April 2018, Friday

Switch to subscription model for B2C desktop product

Igor Sheludko Igor Sheludko

FSPro Labs
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Topic language Russian

Where to get traffic for a niche product?

no photo available Vitaly Yanko

1. Generate fresh content!
2. Adapt content to channels
3. Experiment with advertising
4. Content and Video Marketing
5. Assets Promotion - Webinars
6. Mobile: Low-Cost Traffic? Try Google UAC
7. Mobile: Mid-Cost Traffic? In-App Ads (IAA)
8. Mobile: Low-Cost Traffic? Try Google UAC
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Topic language Russian
21st April 2018, Saturday

How to deploy a deal, prioritize the backlog and increase revenue by talking to customers

Sergey Budyakov Sergey Budyakov

- how to shorten the transaction cycle,
- how to prioritize the backlog
- how to increase revenue by talking to customers
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Support Supervisors

How to successfully build your department, what tools to use, what processes, how to work with employees.

Owners of business, commercial and operational directors

How to segment customers, the main qualifying question, why it is important to fire and deny clients, even when you have almost none. You will find out why the support department. the heart of the company, and why it is so difficult to convey to the owners, although they all understand.

Sales, marketing, quality control

You will learn why customers can leave because of one badly written letter and how to keep the client in any situation: communicate with the human language, respond to claims, manage the client's impression.
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Topic language Russian