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Âevelopers support programs
Section date(s) : 23.04.2011
Katalov Vladimir, vkatalov@elcomsoft.com
(more details)
- Welcome speech
- Tools of new Microsoft Partner Program
- Mac AppStore fàeatures. About development, promotion and sale proceeds in Mac App Store, iPhone/iPad AppStore and stores for other platforms
Section date(s) : 23.04.2011
Motsnyi Igor, igormotsnyi@hotmail.com
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- Welcome speech
- What software business shall expect in 2011? Lawyer's opinion.
- Tax planning in software business
- OEM license agreement: case study
Conference opening
Section date(s) : 23.04.2011
Katalov Vladimir, vkatalov@elcomsoft.com
(more details)
- Welcome speech
Inspection of IT business in Russia: how to be prepared and how to receive the necessary info
Section date(s) : 24.04.2011
Philippenko Michael, michaelphilippenko@gmail.com
(more details)
- Welcome speech
- Inspection of IT business in Russia:how to be prepared and how to receive the necessary info
Section date(s) : 23.04.2011
(more details)
- PR in the blogosphere or how to get into contact with bloggers
- Welcome speech
- Cases of IT companies promotion on social media: hits and bugs. Part 1.
- Cases of IT companies promotion on social media: hits and bugs. Part 2.
- Two in a boat: you and your PR manager
- Practial methods of software promotion on the world markets
Business development
Section date(s) : 24.04.2011
Rudnik Roman, r.rudnik@gmail.com
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- Welcome speech
- Briefs to allow for growth: For what to raise the Big Business?
- How to make strategic and tactical decisions in the fast-growing company - role of the leader and management. From 50 to 200
- Management - projects, people, letters, and other game rules
- Work Hard and Smart: how to apply a startup approaches to software business
Section date(s) : 24.04.2011
Yakupov Lev, lev.yakupov@gmail.com
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- Choice of the optimal sales strategy depending on your licensing model
- Welcome speech
- Portrait of a Ukrainian software buyer 2011
- Rebranding in terms of ISV
- Improving conversion/boosting sales
- The role of SMM in marketing communications: theory and practice
Investment into IT market
Section date(s) : 23.04.2011
(more details)
- Welcome speech
- Round table "Investmet into IT market"