Jurisdictions for IT companies

02nd October 2011, Sunday

Welcome speech

Tanya Vasilieva Tanya Vasilieva

AVA LEGAL (Prague)
Managing partner, adviser on international business restructuring
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Topic language Russian
Duration 1 min.
Start time 15:00 - 15:01
Location Nikolaevsky

Principles: Who are the players on the market?

Tanya Vasilieva Tanya Vasilieva

AVA LEGAL (Prague)
Managing partner, adviser on international business restructuring
- who is who on the market of jurisdictions: international tax advisers, banks, international/ global tax director, trust/ fiduciary companies, registration agents, immigration agents, etc.;
- which functions each "market player" carries on. How to manage the interaction with the participants of the market of jurisdictions;
- introduction of the reporters.
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Topic language Russian
Duration 15 min.
Start time 15:01 - 15:16
Location Nikolaevsky

Principles: Methodology of international business and tax structuring of sale and royalty income

Tanya Vasilieva, Mark Hoogstad, Andreas Karasamanis Tanya Vasilieva, Mark Hoogstad, Andreas Karasamanis

AVA LEGAL, KempHoogstad, KappaTrust
1. Principles of international tax planning of incomes in IT business
- Structuring of royalty income received from distributors or companies - end users. European, offshore and Asian IP companies. Case-study. Complications. Agreements. Tax aspects.
- Structuring of e-commerce. Offshore e-commerce: possibilities and limitations. E-commerce through the European or Asian IP company. Case-study. Complications.
- Structuring of ownership. Holding companies and IP companies: different roles - different jurisdictions.
- Personal holding companies of the beneficiaries, trusts, investment companies and other mechanisms of accumulation of income and its reinvestment.

2. Application of double tax treaties.

3. Anti-avoidance rules: GAAP, CFC, CFC, Subpart F, etc. Due substance of IP company and holding company in their jurisdictions.

4. Transfer pricing.
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Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 15:16 - 15:46
Location Nikolaevsky

Banks: Opening and managing corporate bank accounts (Cyprus, Lebanon, Tanzania, Russia)

no photo available Vladimir Kirilenko

BTF Bank
Executive director of Department of business development
1. особенности управления счетом: лицо, имеющее доступ к счету, необходимость личного присутствия и т.д., требования к пакету документов для открытия счетов в соответствующих юрисдикциях, подводные камни;
2. тарифы при международных расчетах: счета открыты в одной банковской группе счета открыты в банках, принадлежащих к разным банковским группам;
3. в каких случаях банк в соответствующей юрисдикции (Кипр, Танзания, Швейцария, Великобритания, Люксембург, Нидерланды, Россия) может отказаться принимать платеж из банка другой юрисдикции;
4. FBME Card Servises: возможности в обслуживании корпоративных счетов.
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Topic language Russian
Duration 7 min.
Start time 15:46 - 15:53
Location Nikolaevsky

Banks: Capabilities of the banking systems of Cyprus, Lebanon, Tanzania and Russia for the beneficiaries

no photo available Natalya Bichevina

BTF Bank
Executive director of Department of client sales
1. Бизнес,
2. Личный капитал,
3. Фидуциарные сделки как инструмент инвестирования в рамках одного финансового Альянса: преимущества и недостатки,
4. Особенности неименных и именных банковских карт.
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Topic language Russian
Duration 7 min.
Start time 15:53 - 16:00
Location Nikolaevsky

Jurisdictions for beneficiaries and transfer of business: Latvia

Semjons Fogels, Roberts Rimsa Semjons Fogels, Roberts Rimsa

Law firm „Glimstedt un partneri”
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Topic language Russian
Duration 12 min.
Start time 16:05 - 16:17
Location Nikolaevsky

Banks: Bank secrecy: theory and practice (Cyprus, Lebanon, Tanzania and Russia)

no photo available Evgeniy Surinkin

BTF Bank
Counsel for the Chairman of Board
1. раскрытие бенефициара при открытии корпоративных счетов,
2. требования OECD, FATF и национального законодательства в соответствующих юрисдикциях (Кипр, Ливан, Танзания, Россия),
3. fist expedition налоговых органов, реагирование банков на запросы налоговых органов,
4. тенденции в раскрытии банковской тайны,
5. неименные и именные банковские карты.
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Topic language Russian
Duration 7 min.
Start time 16:17 - 16:24
Location Nikolaevsky

Jurisdictions for IP Co: Luxembourg

Diyor Yakubov Diyor Yakubov

Trustconsult Group S.A.
Head of Russia & Middle East desk
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Topic language Russian
Duration 7 min.
Start time 16:24 - 16:31
Location Nikolaevsky