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Plenary session
Section date(s) : 26.09.2008
Lyskovsky Alexander, lyskovsky@alawar.com
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- Welcome speech
- ISDEF – association and conference
- Российский рынок тиражного ПО в 2008-м году
- The State of the Market - The Global eCommerce Environment
- Окно возможностей для российский ИТ-компаний
- Российское государство, IT-ассоицации и рынок программного обеспечения
PR department activity
Section date(s) : 28.09.2008
Chernova Tatiana, tank@alawar.com
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- Blazing efficiency of PR for IT companies in Russia. Journalist's notes
- How do I make contact with Media, and pass my messages to wide audience
- Roundtable: Navigating the choppy waters of PR: choosing the right partner to promote your high-tech products
- Roundtable: Promoting Russia abroad: ask not how your country can promote you, but what you can do to promote your country
Investments into IT market
Section date(s) : 27.09.2008
Galitsky Alexander, alexander@galitsky.com
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- Круглый стол: А если польза от инвестиций?
- Инвесторы и консультанты
- Истории из первых рук: как мы поднимали инвестиции
- Встречи с инвесторами "1 на 1"
Legal section
Section date(s) : 27.09.2008
Katalov Alexander, akatalov@gmail.com
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- Защита ИТ-разработок, как главное конкурентное оружие в условиях сжатия рынка
- Faster than the speed of light: accelerated patent examination procedure in USA
- Website and U.S. and International Copyright Issues. What Every Businessman Should Know When Creating or Commissioning a Website.
- Key changes in Russian legislation for software companies in 2008. First results.
- 101+ ways to lose your software
Staff management
Section date(s) : 28.09.2008
Lyskovsky Alexander, lyskovsky@alawar.com
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- Успешный опыт разработки Интранет-портала в инновационных компаниях
- Корпоративный портал
- Свои или чужие - увеличивать штат или все аусорсить?
- Круглый стол: идеальная команда для разработки средних и крупных программных продуктов
Business Growth
Section date(s) : 28.09.2008
Rizhikov Sergey, bitrix@me.com
Kurashev Dmitry, dsk@entensys.com
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- How can a Russian start up overcome a “Valley of death”?
- Round table conference: Number versus skills. Can business be developed by oneself?
- Round table conference: How to become a leader?
- Growth crisis of the IT-companies
Developer support programs
Section date(s) : 26.09.2008
Philippenko Michael, michaelphilippenko@gmail.com
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- ISV program and software development tools
- Usability of Software
- Parallels ISV programm FastTrack
- Microsoft ISV program
- How to do business with NOKIA
- round table
Internet promotion
Section date(s) : 27.09.2008
Rudenko Mykola, mykola@rudenko.com
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- Pushing your competitors out of SERPs
- Traffic and on-line sales sources... Overview, analytics, practical recommendations.
- Typical SEO mistakes
- WEB 2.0 as Marketing Instruments or Viral Marketing Lessons
- E-mail marketing. Promoting your product in WEB-communities of your potential customers
Section date(s) : 26.09.2008; 27.09.2008; 28.09.2008
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- Learning from past mistakes: better use peers' experience
- Expanding into Europe and Asia - Useful tips for beginners and Experts
- B2B Software Product Launch
- "Channel Sales" Round Table (Bitrix, UMI, Alawar)
- eCommerce Providers
- True?! or False?! eCommerce myth
- A French approach to the French market
- Leading global operators and OEM choose the best solutions. Experience of the Russian product promotion on the world software market (Spirit)
- Online marketing methods and e-commerce channel management in a successful software start-up. Parallels case study
- Opportunities for ISDEF members on Western European markets
- Russian registrators round table
- Avoiding channel conflict?