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Plenary section
Section date(s) : 05.10.2012
Kurashev Dmitry, dsk@entensys.com
Kazin Alexander, isdef.md@gmail.com
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- Welcome speach
- Windows 8 - Find New Ways to Monetize Your Products
- New business opportunities with Microsoft
- ISVs Transition to SaaS: Challenge or Huge Opportunity?
- Global changes on software market. Ways and methods of development.
- Future development ways
Round table "Negative tendencies and risks factors of Russian software market regulatuion
Section date(s) : 05.10.2012
Moochnick Felix, fmoochnick@gmail.com
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ISDEF press-conference
Section date(s) : 05.10.2012
Kurashev Dmitry, dsk@entensys.com
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Round table "Cooperation between ISV's & software distributors during SaaS era"
Section date(s) : 05.10.2012
Kazin Alexander, isdef.md@gmail.com
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Business Growth
Section date(s) : 05.10.2012; 06.10.2012; 07.10.2012
Rudnik Roman, r.rudnik@gmail.com
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- Marketing inside of company and peace of madness
- Going to b2b market. Oxygen Software example.
- SaaS as a new business for a company without to become bankrupt
- Payment Page Builder - Alive and Kickin'! How to build and optimize your checkout page. A glimpse at our Mobile SDK.
- Company strategy, SWOT-analysis, risk-management and other buben-dances for those, who wants to growth
- Opportunities by Moving Software Products to the Cloud
- Development steps. What for to earn money, if you don't have it, and how to stay selfmotivated, if you have the money already.
- How to measure your company performance? What is to be considered except your cash flow?
- Startup lessons learned: mistakes & failures you don't have to make
Microsoft Innovation Day
Section date(s) : 06.10.2012
Kazin Alexander, isdef.md@gmail.com
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- Windows 8 – the most considerable opportunity of monetization with Windows Store
- Cloud based services – reliability and monitoring, cloud services scenarios and cases
- Project management, reporting. Effective resources management
- Windows Phone: third ecosystem as the way to grow
- Cloud services and data security law (FZ152)
- Inventing the wheel or using ready to go services?
Legal issues
Section date(s) : 06.10.2012
Motsnyi Igor, igormotsnyi@hotmail.com
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- Introduction: welcome speech
- Recent updates on the EC Copyright , Trademarks, Foreign investments in Hi- Tech sector, software and games distribution related legislation
- Brands in software business: registration, protection, choice of jurisdictions, costs, etc
- Q and A session
- How to attract investors to your software business?
- The Basics of Selling Your Business
Experience sharing
Section date(s) : 07.10.2012
Kazin Alexander, isdef.md@gmail.com
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- "Недобросовестная конкуренция в связи с незаконным использованием результатов ИС: российское регулирование и новеллы законодательства США"
- Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in small and medium-sized software companies as an instrument of increasing efficiency in investor relations. FAQ on advantages and complexities related to implementation, preparation of the reports and audit.
Foreign jurisdictions for IT companies
Section date(s) : 07.10.2012
Vasilyeva Tatyana, vasilieva@avlegal.eu
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- News & trends in corporate finance for software companies.
- Trends in international tax law - 2012
- US tax planning
- Business game: Developing international structure of software corporation. New rules of the game
- Business game: Personal tax planning for beneficial owners. Trusts, funds and other mechanisms of tax planning.
Marketing & PR
Section date(s) : 06.10.2012; 07.10.2012
Yakupov Lev, lev.yakupov@gmail.com
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- Accelerating your software sales: lessons from the global shareware trenches
- Do you really need to participate in exhibitions and conferences ?
- Software Help Authoring: Process & Tools
- The Hidden Part of Iceberg: How to Meet Business Objectives with User's Expectations
- The Mystery of PR Efficiency
- Abroad Internet-Marketing and PR: the Basic Principles
- Following Jobs's Style - Creating Design for Mobile Markets before Product Development
- Increase Brand Awareness through Social Media and SEO
- Value of Understanding Global Customer Behavior
- How to Loose All of Your Customers by Turning Down Email Newsletters
- Video-Based Marketing: How To Make Your Videos Work For You
- Why Developers Shouldn't be Allowed to Design Interfaces
- Why Contextual Advertising doesn't Work?